A summary by the winner.
A summary by the TPWSNBN.
Turn 0 Name | Final Name | Turn of Extinction |
Pokalia | JungleBrothers | 32 |
Quickmire | Quickmire | 44 |
Vladolators | Vladolators | 33 |
Punks | PeaceMakers | 34 |
Confused | Confused | N/A |
aAa | theCatHouse | 52 |
Kryst | Kryst | 43 |
Shadoe | Shadoe | 53 |
Stareaters | Stareaters | 45 |
Nojd | Nojd | N/A |
EmeraldKnights | EmeraldKnights | 30 |
Dragons | Dragons | N/A |
Chess | Chess | 20 |
Turn 54: Status of Players N D W S C M P I # & M T Confused 7.36 11.18 9.78 1.57 28635.04 26101.50 18886.12 56 1759 8789.94 67810.58 TPWSNBN 3.53 2.94 5.33 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 15.82 59.33 Nojd 10.88 9.26 9.37 2.02 30016.14 25291.82 18289.52 103 1614 8276.15 46084.34 Dragons 7.45 11.29 21.61 1.00 32296.39 31779.51 25955.88 106 1650 7123.19 53551.48
Then they started the endgame, which led to Nojd's destruction and a few abrasions on Confused's and Dragons'.
Turn 58: Status of Players N D W S C M P I # & M T Confused 7.36 12.84 10.21 1.57 20697.55 20520.96 17077.16 44 1424 9588.86 90669.54 Nojd 10.88 9.97 9.37 2.02 2491.94 2336.51 1417.51 3 29 902.20 6848.63 Dragons 7.61 14.06 23.79 1.00 33519.58 27472.60 20642.25 80 2570 7467.40 103612.74
So why and how did Confused win in this situation, when Dragon was the obvious major in this game? Dragons and Confused both agreed upon the following:
Since they both could not spare the time for an all-out war (the players), they put all their ships into one titanic battle, pitting one fleet against the other. Apparently the ships of Confused were the better designed ones [Dragons lacked the multiple-guns ships], and won this battle.
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