Note: This web page is incomplete!
Bernhard's summary of the game.
A list of initial players:
Turn 4 sees bee erased from the history books; also sees the first player knocked out of the game- Xylons.
Turn 9/10 timeframe- WhiteSilk looking for an allainace lead by Bernhard! Little does he know that Bernhard is one of the members of the alliance that he has created!
Turns in the teens- several dogpiles on various parties.
Twenties see several of the NPC's killed off (Woodblock, dremisnt), the replacement of QQ, but not Xylons' demise!
Early thirties see lots of long term plans for conquest, including a growing realization of SPQR's long term threat...
The early 30's see most of the NPC's cleaned up (Homo_Nocturnus being the exception).
Early 30s see Betroth get whacked in an uncoordinated 3 way attack by SPQR, Illuminati and Neutrinos. Meanwhile Weiguo and Neutrinos slug it out.
Throughout most of the late 20's and early 30's, WhiteSilk recognized (correctly) that SPQR was one of the leaders. From turn 33 or so, relations between them and their 4-way alliance (SPQR, WhiteSilk, Tsion, and Morse) crumble. Between turn 35 and 36, the alliance is formally severed by SPQR announcing his withdraw from it.
A rare error by SPQR-
CI (101) is no homeworld. Why? This is easily explained: if CI (101) is a home world then not all players have a home world - the galaxy is too tight to fit all of them in, with all *known* home worlds and CI (101) (At least if I do not have a logical error here somewhere, that is).Note by Bernhard: WhiteSilk had assured me that 162 (near 101) was Drem's home world. 101 and 162 are both in the same "hole" where a home world could fit, I assumed 162 for 101 as being a home world.
Turn 36- SPQR attacks WhiteSilk, nuking 40% or so of his industrial base. Looks like the game will be over by turn 50, as WhiteSilk seems to be one of the few that will try and take out SPQR before it is too late...
The two alliances are formed- SPQR, Weiguo, and Illuminati (aka "David") vs. WhiteSilk, QQ, Chocoholics, Tsion, and Morse (aka "Golaith")
Turn 37 sees more battles, with QQ and Whitesilk bombing SPQR, while SPRQ continues his destruction of WhiteSilk.
Turns 38-40 see the near total destruction of WhiteSilk, with QQ getting beaten, but still a viable empire.
Turn 41 sees a war between Morse and Illuminati break out.
Mid 40's see the demise of a few NPC's, the realization that SPQR needs to be stopped by most non SPQR players- Illuminati and Morse stop their mutual war to prepare for this event.
SPQR manages to get a number of non-agression pacts that all end on turn 50 (i.e. on turn 51, a war can begin).
Turn 48- SPQR attacks Choco.
Turn 51- Weiguo resigns. SPQR's worst (nearly so) fears happen- WhiteSilk, Morse, Illuminati all launch an attack (Choco, while mauled still has a useful presence). Homo_Nocturnus launches a minor expeditionary force- one to a Choco system and one to a SPQR one. Both help Choco's counter attack against SPQR.
Turn 52- SPQR continues to take massive battle losses and starts to lose industry.
Turn 53- new Weiguo player takes over. SPQR is wildly off on some numbers:
(ordered by approximated size) [Actual] Weiguo 20-30K [18.0k] Illuminati 20K [14.0k] Tsion 20K [10.0k] SPQR ??K [26.5k] Morse 10K [ 7.3k] Choco 5K [ 3.7k] WhiteSilk 2K [ 0.0k] Homo_Nocturnus 1K [ 0.0k] xx 1K [ 0.3k] Betroth 0 [ 0.0k] QQ 0 [ 0.0k] Neutrinos 0 [ 0.0k]
Between turn 53 and turn 54, I asked players for their opinions on sizes:
Guessing/About Player | Betroth | Choco | Illuminati | Morse | SPQR | Tsion | Weiguo | WhiteSilk | xx | |
Illuminati | < 1000 | 4000 to 5000 | 14600 | 5000 | < 2000 | 25000 to 35000 | 11000 | 12000 | < 1000 | < 1000 |
Morse | 2000 | 3000 | 24000 | 7000 | 2000 | 30000 | 10000 | 25000 | 0 | 1000 |
0 | 12000 | 18000 | 11000 | 0 | 25000 | 5000 | 12000 | 0 | 0 | |
SPQR | 0 | 2000 | 20000 | 8000 | 0 | 26598.74 | 15000 | 25000 | 1000 | 429.04 |
Weiguo | 1000 | 5000 | 18000 | 3000 | 2000 | 23000 | 18000 | 18000 | 5000 | 1000 |
Actual | 0 | 3726.04 | 14321.82 | 7345.79 | 0 | 26598.74 | 10036.19 | 18208.57 | 0 | 342.31 |
Illuminati's guesses on the number of worlds:
Betroth 5 or less (0) Choco 20-40 (5) Illuminati 43 (43) Morse 30 (13) QQ 5 or less (0) SPQR 170-240 (176) Tsion 40 (41) Weiguo 60 (58) WhiteSilk 5 or less (0) xx 5 or less (1) unowned 50-100A more detailed guess by SPQR:
Well, a more thought-out guess would be: SPQR 26598.74 (on 176 systems, 2 hw remaining, but 1 getting full soon) Weiguo ~25000 (3-4 hw, some 50 systems) Illuminati ~20000 (3 hw, some 40-50 systems) Tsion ~15000 (Min. 1 hw, some 30-35 systems, depends on Morse's attack) Morse ~8000 (has at least 2 home worlds left) Choco ~2000 (2 systems (148, 310) 310 >1000 WhiteSilk ~1000 (1-5 systems, I guess) Homo_Nocturnus ~1000 (1 system (293)) xx 429.04 (65) Betroth 0.00 QQ 0.00 Neutrinos 0.00
Mid 50's see Illuminati crushed and SPQR recover from their losses. By turn 59, SPQR and Weiguo are the only major powers. With Morse a distant third. Tsion is about the same size as Morse, but has hopelessly outdated techs. The game is over, no one has noticed it yet.
Turn 60 sees a major, unexpected (?) offensive by the quiescent Weiguo against SPQR. SPQR launches a silmultaneous attack against Tsion gutting Tsion.
Rest of 60's and early 70's show SPQR's continued dominance, although at least one player refuses to conceed.
Turn 76 sees last non SPQR unit destroyed.
Turn 77 the game is over.
A copy of the status lines of the game in zip format.
Last update:
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